Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

- - - - - -

Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1827

City of Mansfield

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1827

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

* NOT presented in strict alphabetical order *

Owner's Name In-Lot Out-Lot
Antibus, John 19 -
" 246 -
" 247 -
Bartley, Mordecai - 9
Bowman, Simeon 96 -
Boals, James 135 -
Barrack, John  (e1/2) 157 -
Bell, Henry T. 187 -


189 -
Brice, Thomas 202 -


203 -
Bogart, Russel 205 -
Bentley, Robert 122 -
Bowlan, Robert 148 -
Buckins, Samuel 72 -
Bowland, Robert 148 -
" - 8
" - 10
Delaney, Philip 10 -
Downey, Wm. & R. Crothwaite 42 -
Downey, William 128 -
" 173 -
" 214 -
" 215 -
" 216 -
" 217 -
" 218 -
" 219 -
Duling, Zachariah (heirs of) 58 -


59 -
Day, S.B. 121 -
" 211 -
" 212 -
Day, Matthias 178 -
" 220 -
" 227 -
Drennan, James 137 -
Dorsey, Joseph 240 -
Downs, John B. 169 -
Dorsey, Joseph 239 -
Johns, Benjamin 105 -
Jaques, Jeremiah 185 -
Johnson, James - 23
Kelley, Elizabeth 180 -
Keith, Henry 40 -


46 -
Linnd, Elizabeth 153 -
Lee, Ruth 6 -
Lawrence, John 16 -


17 -
Lamberton, Christopher 18 -
Lindley, Jacob 130 -
" 131 -
" 132 -
" 236 -
Laughridge, James 146 -
Lane, James 157 -
Lidsey, John 143 -
McCullough, John 174 -
Newman, Susanna 100 -
" - 6
" - 12
Newman, Henry 123 -
" 151 -
" 152 -
Pugh, John 14 -


15 -
Patterson, James 44 -
Pollock, Robert 51 -
Pollock, Clement R. 69 -
Parker, Jacob 99 -
" 144 -
" 99 -
Taylor, Samuel 141 -
Terry, Thomas C. 64 -
Wells, David 7 -
Weldon, Rowland 32 -
Williams, ---- 33 -
Wiler, John 74 -
" 73 -
" 158 -
Westfall, Harvey 113 -
" 206 -
" 209 -
" 210 -
Winton, Joseph 115 -
Wolfe, Samuel G. 140 -
Walker, Niman Y. 145 -
Young, David 40 -
Hetrick, Joseph 21 -
" 22 -
" 23 -
" 27 -
" 28 -
" 29 -
" 37 -
" 46 -
Bell, James 68 -
" 82 -
" 83 -
" 84 -
" 85 -
" 86 -
McElroy, Alexander (s1/2) 174 -
Little, David 13 -
Matson, Uriah 64 (66) -
Owner's Name In-Lot Out-Lot
Chaffin, Abner 11 -
Carothers, Samuel 12 -
Croll, William 30 -
Cairns, Joseph 34 -


70 -
Cunningham, ____ (heirs of) 39 -
Coffinberry, Andrew 45 -
Casebear, John 17 -
Cook, Noah B. (heirs of) 71 -
Creigh, Samuel A. 139 -
Craiglow, John 140 -
Cunningham, Francis 154 -
Coulter, T. 179 -
Cook, Abel 204 -


244 -
Cook, Solomon 265 -
Church, William - 2
Ehey, Robert 9 -
Eweing, George 43 -
Fogleson, ___ (widow) 36 -
Ford, Benjamin - 34


- 35
Fogle, William 180 -
Gilkison, James M. 24 -
Gilkison, John C. 134 -


- 3
Grant, Edwin 243 -
Hoover, Joseph 5 -
Henry, James 26 -
Harter, John W. 95 -
" 193 -
" 194 -
" - 5
" - 13
State of Ohio 183 -
Hedges, E. & Josiah 2 -
Hedges, Ellzey 126 -
Hedges, Joseph 127 -
" - 19
" - 22
" - 31
Hedges, E. & Josiah - 30
Hedges, James 155 -
Harvey, Thomas 147 -
Huffman, John H. 67 -
Hable, Frederick 38 -


49 -
Matthew, William 31 -
Mann, John 35 -
McFall, Hugh 50 -


15 -
Morrow, Matthew 76 -

" (e1/2)

77 -
Mull, George Jr. 79 -
Mull, John 80 -


81 -
Mansfield, Jared 109 -
Musselman, Nancy 114 -
Miller, Allen G. 129 -


188 -
McConnell, John G. 133 -
May, John A. 177 -
" - 4
" - 14
" 186 -
McCombs, Robert 94 -
" 197 -
" 190 -
" 192 -
Mercer, Boyd J. 150 -
Boland, Robert 149 -
Purdy, James 181 -


182 -
Peterson, David 208 -
Rowland, James 125 -
Roop, Henry 259 -
" 260 -
" 261 -
Robeson, Amos 248 -
Smith, Josiah 241 -
Stewart, John 78 -


77 -
Sturges, E.P. 97 -
" 98 -
" 138 -
" - 11
Smart, James 102 -


222 -
Sibley, John 195 -
Newman, George 47 -


48 -
Hooper, John H. 52 -
" 53 -
" 54 -
" 55 -
" 59 -
" 60 -
" 61 -
" 62 -
" 63 -
" 65 -
Wiler, John 166 -
" 167 -
" 168 -
Ozier, Stephen 20 -
Ridgeway, Richard 25 -

Reference Number = 1827 / 8659-8676

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